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Boost Your Average Deal Size by Double-Digits

We empower agents to realize unprecedented growth in average deal size. In a market where every edge counts, backing yourself with the most followed real estate brand in the world elevates you to a level most only dream of reaching. High-value transactions await, and SERHANT. is the key to helping you unlock them.

Experience Exponential Growth in Lead Generation

Take control of your narrative with our suite of unique, industry-leading services, including a full-scale in-house studio for your branding needs. Gain unparalleled authority and credibility, because when you succeed, we all do. With SERHANT., you're not just growing a brand; you're building an empire.

Save Hours Per Week with State-of-the-Art Tech & Talented Advisors

Why let cumbersome processes eat away your valuable time? Our state-of-the-art technology cuts hours off your workflow. Spend your time where it matters most: closing deals and providing exceptional service. At SERHANT., our technology and people serve you, not the other way around.

Build a World-Class Brand & Amplify Your Real Estate Following

Back your brand and your business with a full-service creative workshop, an award-winning cinema-quality content studio, and the proven formulas and modern strategies that built the most followed real estate brand on the planet. Supercharge your reach, capitalize on shifting consumer trends to social media, and establish yourself as a leading voice in your market and on the global stage.


Earn More

Increase Your Earning Potential at SERHANT.

Discover your true earning potential at SERHANT., where agents earn on average four times more than industry standards.* You're not just an agent; you're a business. We recognize that and invest in your success, making your profitability our priority.

*Based on median gross income from the 2023 National Association of REALTORS® Member Profile compared to SERHANT. agents for CY 2022. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Market conditions may influence results and there is no assurance any SERHANT. agent will achieve the same or similar results.


SERHANT. Global Reach

Join a Network of Over 30,000 Like-Minded Agents

Join a network of over 30,000 agents who are shaping the future of real estate. Our proven models and systems aren't just theories—they're practices that have stood the test of success. Here, mentorship is mutual, and wisdom is shared. It's not just about individual success; it's about collective growth.


Become an International Force

Connect with Top Agents Across the Globe

Expand your horizons and profit from invaluable global connections. Networking at SERHANT. transcends superficial interactions; it fosters deep, profitable partnerships that can last a lifetime. We connect you with opportunities, not just people.


SERHANT. Studios

Lights, Camera, Real Estate.

We are a full-service in-house production studio that creates award-winning, unique, specialized content strategically designed to resonate with the largest real estate audience in the world.

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Tech-Powered Solutions For All.

Simple innovations and impactful solutions for your home search, property sale, or business goals.

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Unleashing Potential with Bold Ideas.

Our world-class creative department that develops and enhances brands, home sales, and project launches.

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